Once I went to a grocery shop ,it was a typical shop where in the whole stuff was kept in un-ordered manner and so was the shopkeeper, i went and gave my list of items which I wanted he was busy in collecting that during this period there came a little boy may be of 9 or 10 years probably from a poor family wearing very old clothes probably must have got it some rich people who donated it to him but thing which gained my attention was his dressing attire irrespective of his clothes which were too old he was wearing it in most tidy manner,he called the shopkeeper in most decent manner and asked for sugar that to 200 gms , looking at him and his demand it was quite clear that may be they had some unexpected guests and his mother had given him very less money ,while the shopkeeper was busy getting sugar i observed that he was continuously looking at the glass jar which contained dairy milk chocolate  looking at his eyes it was clear that he was very much attracted to it and had long wished to eat them but due to his family conditions it was not possible for his parents to afford it but then also he tried and asked the shopkeeper the rate of that chocolate , shopkeeper saw the jar which the boy was pointing and answered him 5rs so the boy started calculating and after paying for sugar amount left was exactly 5 rs ,a broad smile came on his face which clearly displayed his happiness of being able to buy that chocolate but then in very next moment something struck his mind and he very swiftly took the packet of sugar and started to move away and in that moment what stuck my mind I don’t know , I just called him and asked the shopkeeper for a dairy milk of 10rs and I gave it to him and he was very happy and he said thank you in most humble way and went away smiling.

After this I asked to myself why did I stopped him and why did I gave him the chocolate and my mind told me that the boy had realized the value for money and he thought of not buying the chocolate so that he can save that 5rs and this would help his parents in some other neccesity and this was the thing which I liked and thus as part of appreciation I gave him the chocolate ,it was his reward which he had earned by showing that maturity and realizing the value of money and may be in future he would also appreciate like this to someone who would have such realization and maturity.

Hope you all liked it and please feel free to share your views via comments

thank you

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